Happy New You!
With the arrival of 2015, as it happens each new year, many people resolve to make self-improvements – quit smoking, lose weight, eat better, join a gym – these are some of the most popular new year goals.
How about making one of your resolutions to take a more active role in your own health?
Maybe you’re in generally good health, no major concerns that demand attention, nothing that keeps you from doing what you want to do. But why settle for feeling good when you can feel amazing?
Are you experiencing occasional heartburn after eating certain foods and popping an antacid with no second thoughts?
Are you experiencing the occasional headache, but you find you’re taking a Tylenol a bit more often than you’d like?
Has your sleep been gradually getting worse which you might blame on getting older?
Is your body not recovering as quickly as it did when you were 25? Especially after a weekend activity?
Are you finding it more difficult to lose those holiday pounds than before?
Are you not as interested in sex as you once were, or even noticing that you’re not performing as well?
You may be surprised how much of an improvement in your overall happiness and quality of life you can get by just making a few simple changes. A naturopathic doctor can provide guidance to help make these simple changes or major changes as well, if that’s what you are looking for. Specific programs to support you through quitting smoking, losing weight, or changing your poor dietary habits are offered at our clinic. As well as therapies such as acupuncture, craniosacral, IV therapies and specialized testing (allergy, hormone, micronutrient, parasites, etc.) which can support you on your path to wellness!
Contact us today at info@yaletownnaturopathic.com to find out how we can help you feel amazing. If you have a couple of general questions, give us a call. If you have more than a couple questions, book a free 15-minute consultation with one of the naturopathic doctors. Make 2015 the year you start to feel amazing again!
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