Fresh Start … ?
Somehow January is already over. Have you gotten going on your 2016 new years’ resolutions? Are you feeling successful? Is the momentum petering out?
It’s easy to feel inspired at least for a little while by all the hype around a resolution at this time of year. It’s also easy to feel bombarded by pressure to be successful at this goal you set. Here are a few ideas to get you through the pressure and maybe even help you drop the resolution altogether!
- Intention is more powerful than resolution.
A resolution tends to carry power in the pressure department. Some people do well at them for a time because they feel the world is watching, holding them accountable and that’s exactly what they need. This may not resonate with everyone.
An intention comes from inside and acts more like scaffolding, helping to raise the structure of the things you want to bring into your life. It’s longer acting and gentle enough that you can revisit them easily if you find you have strayed.
- Winter is time for hibernation.
I believe that one of the reasons resolutions set some up for failure is because some resolutions involve great action. Typical ones would be to exercise regularly, run more, eat less, eat better, etc.
If you are someone who needs a bit more meaning or connection to your goals, you’ll be interested to know that in the Shamanic world, winter is a time of stillness. It’s a time to go inside, hibernate, let go and clear space, letting the old stuff die and be removed to make room for the upcoming spring and return to life.
I find it’s the best time to take time and listen. To go with the natural tendency towards stillness. To allow in what is meant to come and to form intentions for the rest of the year from this place of quiet connection.
- Get clear and ask for help.
What I love most about the idea of a fresh start with a new year is that it’s an opportunity to get really clear in what you want to call in this year. And sometimes that means simply asking and then letting go of the question.
If you have a resolution you already feel good about then re-examining what the intention behind it might help bolster you forward or tweak it to fit the big picture. Is losing that extra 10 pounds really about the exercise and food? Or can you also bring in the intention to work a bit less and give yourself more stress-free time for joy and sleep, removing a big obstacle to losing that weight.
If you’re at a loss, might I suggest making time for more TLC? It’s my favourite prescription, be it a massage, acupuncture, tea and a good book or a walk in the woods. TLC can also take on the form of asking for help more, giving yourself a break and recognizing that you don’t have to do it all.
Whatever you resolve to do or intend to bring in, remember to check in and to take yourself into account along the way.
A gentle and strong fresh start to you!
To book an appointment contact 604-235-8068 or appointments@yaletownnaturopathic.com
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