Fall and winter is the best time to enjoy hearty, home-cooked soups. And what could be better than a soup that will help boost your immune system to fight off all those nasty colds and flus going around. This is a recipe I was given by my botanical medicine professor early in naturopathic medical school,…

Fall Immunity – A TCM Perspective
Written by Dr. Kathy Dang, ND, MSTOM Fall is approaching, another change in season, approached with cooler weather and turning of glorious fall colours – orange, yellows and browns. In East Asian medicine thought, the change in Earth’s seasons is also reflected in changes within our own bodies, a microcosm of collected elements mirrored in…

Immune Boosting Tea Recipe
Fall is here again. Back-to-school season means new friends for your children and new germs being introduced into your household. Fall also brings conference season for all working professionals which means alot of travelling and hand shaking! With the change in weather and stress on the body caused by travelling (recycled airplane air, public transit, etc.), we…

Prepare for Flu Season with these Immune Boosting Foods!
Once again, it’s almost time to kiss the sunblock goodbye and pack away the bikinis for another year. As the cold weather sets in, our immune systems begin to struggle, providing opportunity for bugs and bacteria to take over. For this reason, it is important to give our immune systems some extra TLC; one way…

How is Your Sleep Linked to Cancer?
Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc Everyone knows the importance of a good nights sleep. It is no secret that your physical and mental health is negatively impacted when you do not get adequate sleep. Is lack of sleep actually linked to the formation of cancer? The short answer is yes and the reasons…

Ginger Tea for Cancer
Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc Often when looking for natural therapies patients turn to complicated exotic treatments. By doing this it is easy to forget about some of the more basic treatments that are also effective. A more complicated treatment plan is not necessarily more effective. A simple yet relatively unknown cancer treatment…

What You Need to Know About Sunscreen
What You Need to Know about Sunscreen Summer is here and we are all making the most of longer, warmer days. Summer vacation allows us to get outside and make the most of the beautiful weather. Whether you are an avid hiker, biker, surfer or you just like to flop on the beach or chill…

How to deal with Nausea and Vomiting during Early Pregnancy
Written by Dr. Kathy Dang, DN, MSTOM How to deal with Nausea and Vomiting during Early Pregnancy My teacher in Chinese medical school at PCOM-Chicago, told our OBGYN class that nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy, is actually a good thing and can indicate a healthy pregnancy. Now tell that to any pregnant lady during…

What is SIBO?
What is SIBO? Gas, bloating, general abdominal discomfort – there are many causes for these all-too-common complaints, and the newest one on our radar is called SIBO. It’s short for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, and recently the numbers of patients coming in with this condition has increased significantly. Let’s break it down. The first question…

Yaletown Naturopathic Satellite Clinic in Haida Gwaii
The team at Yaletown Naturopathic Clinic were invited to Haida Gwaii to establish a satellite clinic within the Skidegate Health Centre. We were delighted to be able to share our knowledge within the community. The Skidegate Health Centre aims to move their model of care from treating illness to promoting wellness which is in line…