Reboot for Spring!
As this season of bloom approaches, it’s the perfect time to check in on your health! Whether you’re considering a cleanse, a change in lifestyle, revisiting things that may not be working for you or simply maintaining where you are, Spring can lend that extra boost of motivation.
There’s always lots to talk about and explore when it comes to health! For this reason I’m offering to my pre-existing patients a FREE 15 minutes added to your next visit (add 15 minutes to a 30 minute consultation, acupuncture or craniosacral treatment). This offer ends May 31, 2015.
And for new patients we always offer free 15 minute consults to see if it’s a good fit. So no excuses! Health can be easy with a little help. And in the meantime…
Quick 15 minute REBOOT reminders:
Spring is a time for rebirth, to clear out the cobwebs and let in the light. Here are a few tips to help get you grounded and well.
Slow down. Feel each step you take, put your fork down between each bite of food
Breathe deeply and slowly
Be in the here and now
Notice when your body says NO. Where do you feel it? What is the sensation?
Get better at saying NO to others and YES to yourself
Happy Spring!
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