The Brain: Understanding Mental Health

The Brain: Understanding Mental Health

Mark your calendars! On Thursday, February 11 from 6:30PM to 8:00PM at Sina Pharmacy (505 Smithe Street, Vancouver, BC) Dr. Reuben Dinsmore will be giving a very interesting and informative, free public lecture about mental health, mental-health related conditions and how Naturopathic medicine can help treat these conditions. Looking for options other than prescription drugs to treat…

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD for short is not just a pseudoscientific way for saying you don’t like the winter. It is a recognized mental illness characterized by recurring episodes of depression during fall and winter months. The prevalence of SAD over all is about 5%. The incidence increases in distance from the equator to…

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Fresh Start … ?

Fresh Start … ?

Somehow January is already over. Have you gotten going on your 2016 new years’ resolutions? Are you feeling successful? Is the momentum petering out? It’s easy to feel inspired at least for a little while by all the hype around a resolution at this time of year. It’s also easy to feel bombarded by pressure to…

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Is the Antioxidant Melatonin Dangerous during Chemotherapy and Radiation?

Is the Antioxidant Melatonin Dangerous during Chemotherapy and Radiation?

Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc (Hons) It is not unusual for patients to be intimidated by their medical oncologists to fear all natural therapies. They are told to specifically avoid all antioxidants because they will neutralize the effects of chemotherapy and radiation. This broad generalization that all antioxidants should be avoided is simply…

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The Importance of an Evolving Treatment Plan

The Importance of an Evolving Treatment Plan

Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc (Hons) It is not unusual for patients to develop a treatment plan with their medical doctor or naturopathic physician and then remain on the same plan for many years. Of course there are times where the developed plan is optimal and in these cases there is no need…

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So You’ve Decided to Quit Smoking! (Again)

So You’ve Decided to Quit Smoking! (Again)

Happy New Year! One of the most common New Year’s resolutions that people make is that they will finally quit smoking. Whatever your reasons for doing so (for your health, financial reasons, providing a good example for your kids, no longer wanting to go around smelling like an ashtray), they are your reasons, and they’re…

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Are Electromagnetic Fields Dangerous?

Are Electromagnetic Fields Dangerous?

Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc (Hons) For those of us who live in the city, we are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields. This is simply unavoidable in modern society yet this is a recent change. We are exposed to substantially more electromagnetic radiation than our ancestors. In fact, most of us are completely…

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