We are very excited to announce Naturopathic Outreach Society will be returning with a team of doctors to provide complimentary naturopathic medicine to the residents of Haida Gwaii once again! Clinic dates: Skidegate Health Centre: February 26, 27, 28 Masset Health Centre: February 26, 27, 28 To book an appointment please email: info@yaletownnaturopathic.com Or call: Skidegate Health Centre 250-559-4610 Haida Health Centre Masset 250-626-3911

Dark Hair Dye and Chemical Relaxers Linked to Breast Cancer
Written by: Ronnie Cohen African-American and white women who regularly chemically straightened their hair or dyed it dark brown or black had an elevated risk of breast cancer, recent research suggests. “I would be concerned about darker hair dye and hair straighteners,” epidemiologist Tamarra James-Todd said after reviewing the report in Carcinogenesis. “We should really…

Quantum Physics, Biology and Healing
Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND Although quantum physics and biology are often seen as two distinct and unrelated fields, there is actually a significant overlap of these fields which has profound implications in biology. In molecular biology we tend to focus on the physical interactions between molecules and these pathways are described in a…

4 Things to do Following the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc (Hons) The diagnosis of cancer is often so overwhelming and patients are rarely given enough time to answer all their questions. The stressful experience at the appointment makes it so that patients forget the questions that they had thought of prior to the visit. To add to the…

September Nonprofit trip to Skidegate and Masset Sept 28-30, 2017
Very excited to announce Naturopathic Outreach next trip to Haida Gwaii this fall: Skidegate September 28-30, 2017 Masset September 28-30, 2017 We will be offering complimentary naturopathic care, acupuncture, craniosacral and supplements to residents of Haida Gwaii. To book an appointment please send an email to info@yaletownnaturopathic.com. For those who do not use email, please call the…

Liver Enzymes and Detoxification
Written by: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND The majority of the foods and medications that you consume are metabolized in the liver. The liver is an incredibly complicated organ that carries out many vital tasks required for life. In the context of detoxification there are only a few major metabolic pathways in the liver that do…

Apricot Seeds for Cancer?
Written by Dr. Adam McLeod On a daily basis I will hear from patients who have been encouraged by someone to try apricot seeds to treat their cancer. When writing this article I made a deliberate attempt to approach this subject with an open mind. The more that I researched this therapy the more that…

Haida Gwaii Clinic Visit May 16, 17, and 19, 2017
We are very excited to be returning to the Skidegate Health Centre in Haida Gwaii next month to provide free Naturopathic care to residents of Haida Gwaii on May 16, 17 and 19. To book an appointment please send an email to: info@yaletownnaturopathic.com We are accepting new patients and booking returning visits for all existing patients….

Naturopathic Care in Haida Gwaii March 17-19, 2017
Very excited to announce we will be returning to Haida Gwaii Friday, March 17 to Sunday, March 19, 2017 at the Skidegate Health Centre to provide complimentary Naturopathic care to the residents of Haida Gwaii! Please send an email to info@yaletownnaturopathic.com to book your appointment today. More details to come!

Treating Patients from Out of Town
Message from Dr. Adam McLeod: I am excited to announce that I will be able to provide initial visits to cancer patients who are unable to physically travel to my clinical practice in Vancouver, BC. I regularly receive requests from people interested in integrative cancer care who are unable to make it to my clinic….