Alzheimer’s Disease vs. Dementia
Dr. Reuben Dinsmore was recently featured on CTV Live Morning news as an expert to speak about the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia and how we can better treat these senior health issues. If you missed the morning segment click on the link below to watch:
A holistic approach to health care can be more difficult for implement for those living in assisted living homes with serious health issues. Learn how you can open the door to incorporate effective natural medicine into your health regime or the health regime of a family member or loved one. Dr. Dinsmore will be giving a presentation on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at Legacy Senior Living. Space is limited, so contact them soon for registration!
When: Tuesday, September 20th from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Where: 611 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0C7
RSVP: Required by September 18th to 604-240-8550
Free for senior adults 55+ ($30 Value)
For more information contact them directly: www.legacyseniorliving.com
To book an appointment with Dr. Reuben Dinsmore contact Yaletown Naturopathic Clinic today at info@yaletownnaturopathic.com. Get well, stay well.
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