Eczema, otherwise known as dermatitis, is a common recurring inflammatory skin disease. Eczema has many different presentations that vary in severity. In mild forms, the skin is dry, hot and itchy, while in severe forms it results in broken, raw and bleeding skin. In severe cases of eczema, patients may become so uncomfortable they can suffer…
A Naturopathic Approach for Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a term that covers a wide variety of symptoms. The most common ones include decreased concentration, poor organizational skills, decreased attention, impulsivity, learning difficulties and restlessness, to name a few. Many children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD are treated with various medications. Side effects of these types of drugs may include…
Stress causes Cancer
Written by: Dr. Adam McLeod , ND Everyday in my practice I see cancer patients who feel that there is a very strong emotional source to their cancer. Patients will often be able to directly connect the formation of their cancer with a stressful event in their life. This is not an imaginary connection, there…
Low Dose Naltrexone and Cancer
Low Dose Naltrexone and Cancer By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc Naltrexone is typically used for patients with opioid or alcohol dependence. It is a molecule that powerfully counteracts the effects of opioids. At lower doses this drug can be used with cancer patients to help balance the immune system and inhibit the growth of…
The Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy originated in the early 1930s, starting with an understanding of cranial movement by William Sutherland, a doctor of Osteopathy. Sutherland believed that human skull bones are not fused, but rather that there is a subtle rhythm of motion as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal…
Food Allergy Testing – The Naturopathic Approach
A large portion of the food we eat today is processed, refined, nutrient deficient, and heavily contaminated with preservatives and artificial colourings and flavorings. The increased chemical exposure disrupts the immune system and renders it hyper-sensitive and prone to allergic reactions. There are different types of reactions in the body to certain foods. You can…
Naturopathic Medicine and Cancer
Naturopathic Medicine and Cancer By: Dr. Adam McLeod ND, BSc (Hon) Naturopathic medicine has a wide range of tools that can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine to effectively treat cancer. Many people have this underlying assumption that naturopathic treatments are not “evidence based” because otherwise their oncologist would have recommended them. The truth…
A Naturopathic Approach to Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative neurological illness that affects the central nervous system, the part of your body that controls behavior and movement and damages the motor abilities of the body, such as walking and gripping, in a range of unpredictable and uncomfortable ways. MS affects millions of people across the world. In North…
DCA and Cancer
DCA and Cancer By: Dr. Adam McLeod , ND, BSc Several years ago there was a huge buzz in the media about Dichloroacetic Acid (DCA) and its use in cancer1. The public was outraged that DCA could be an effective cancer therapy and that the government showed little interest because DCA could not be patented….
Is the Alkaline Diet an Effective Cancer Treatment?
Every day I see cancer patients who are drinking alkaline water and focusing a significant amount of their time and energy on alkaline foods. Is this an effective cure for cancer? The short answer is no and any observed positive effects have nothing to do with the foods being alkaline. Let me explain why this…