Artesunate is a drug that was initially designed for combating malaria, however, recently it has shown great promise as a cancer therapy1,2,3. It has been used in combination with some chemotherapies to improve outcomes in advanced cancer patients5. When fighting cancer it is important to use every tool at your disposal to weaken the cancer…

Naturopathic Medicine Helps Maintain Body Balance
Naturopaths see themselves as teachers as much as physicians, educating their patients in leading a new lifestyle that will help restore balance and heal their bodies. The aim of naturopathic medicine is to allow the body to return to its natural equilibrium. If you want to improve your health and spring-clean your system, try these…

When is high dose IV Vitamin C indicated?
High dose intravenous Vitamin C has gained a lot of attention in the media lately as an anti-cancer therapy. There is no doubt that when used appropriately this can be an effective integrative cancer therapy1. As the evidence mounts, mainstream medicine is slowly beginning to embrace high dose IV Vitamin C. Oncologists will frequently tell…

The Difference between Naturopathic and Medical Practitioners
Both naturopathic doctors and medical doctors are licensed physicians who help diagnose and treat health issues in patients. The main difference between the two approaches is reflected in their philosophy of treatment and in the training they receive. What differentiates Naturopathic medicine from conventional medicine is that Naturopathic doctors are highly trained in preventive care….

Heat: The Achilles Heel of Cancer
Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND It is a well established fact that cancer cells are vulnerable to heat1,2. On a cellular level it makes intuitive sense that cancer cells would be sensitive to heat. Normal cells are spatially arranged so that heat can be distributed evenly and they will not divide if they are physically…

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a whole-body evaluation and holistic treatment that may have a positive impact on the central nervous system and the neuromuscular and endocrine systems. Whether used alone or in combination with more traditional healthcare methods, CST has proven clinically effective in facilitating the body’s ability to heal and often produces extraordinary results….

“My oncologist said that it doesn’t matter what I eat.”
Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc (Hon) I see a lot of patients with cancer at my clinic. The vast majority of my patients tell me that their oncologist bluntly told them that it doesn’t matter what they eat during their chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Some of these oncologists are so ingrained with this belief and…

The Importance of Energy Medicine
Every living organism has an energy field that is in constant interaction with other fields of energy belonging to other people and the environment itself. Energy healing involves the use of focused intentions which can help to re-pattern the patient’s energy field in order to accelerate healing of the body, mind and spirit. Energy medicine…