Hormonal Imbalances are quite common, particularly as we age, in both women and men. In women, the most common cause is menopause, while men, as they age, can experience lowered testosterone and other effects, sometimes referred to as “andropause.” Other factors involved in causing hormonal imbalances are diets made up of processed foods and not…

Naturopathic Medicine and Diabetes
Naturopathic medicine can play a significant role along with traditional medicine in the treatment of a variety of conditions. By mixing scientific research with traditional and natural remedies, naturopathic doctors are able to successfully treat people with type 2 diabetes. How Can a Naturopathic Doctor Help? A naturopathic doctor will first perform a physical exam…

Menopause and Naturopathic Medicine
Menopause and Naturopathic Medicine Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the permanent end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and usually occurs in women aged 50 and above. It is triggered when a woman’s estrogen levels decrease as a result of age, resulting in the termination of ovulation. It is often associated with a…

How Important is Dietary Fiber?
Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that our bodies cannot break down. Dietary fiber comes in two varieties: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fibers are found in whole grains, wheat cereals, and vegetables such as carrots, celery and tomatoes. Soluble fiber sources include barely, oatmeal, beans and fruits such as apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears. Once…

Naturopathic Medicine Can Help Treat Depression
Depression is a whole-body illness that affects the way an individual thinks, feels, eats, sleeps, socializes and reacts to various situations. It can also have an effect on an individual’s physical health: it can influence hormone levels, immune function, digestion and the nervous system. The naturopathic approach to depression involves treating the whole person –…

A Naturopathic Approach to Healthy Skin
The skin is a reflection of our inner state of health. Skin conditions, such as acne, have a wide array of causes and reflect imbalance in the body. Issues such as hormonal imbalance, digestive problems, food sensitivities or stress may all potentially lead to body imbalance and the development or the worsening of skin conditions….

Treating Insomnia – The Naturopathic Way
Sleep is essential to both the health of the body and mind. The amount of sleep required varies from one person to the next, but most adults need a minimum of seven to nine hours a night. The benefits of sleep are multi-factorial: the immune system is stimulated, the nervous system is regenerated, and growth…

Cancer: Know your enemy
Cancer: Know your enemy Written By: Dr. Adam McLeod, ND, BSc Chemotherapy is an effective tool at killing cancer cells when it is used appropriately. The biggest challenge is knowing which drug is best suited for an individual’s cancer. Over the years we have learned that certain cancers tend to be more vulnerable to specific…

Your Diet May be Affecting Your Eczema
Eczema, otherwise known as dermatitis, is a common recurring inflammatory skin disease. Eczema has many different presentations that vary in severity. In mild forms, the skin is dry, hot and itchy, while in severe forms it results in broken, raw and bleeding skin. In severe cases of eczema, patients may become so uncomfortable they can suffer…

A Naturopathic Approach for Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a term that covers a wide variety of symptoms. The most common ones include decreased concentration, poor organizational skills, decreased attention, impulsivity, learning difficulties and restlessness, to name a few. Many children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD are treated with various medications. Side effects of these types of drugs may include…